1st Liberation - I got the right to lose my mind
A Hero Divine - When There Is No More Room In Hell, The Dead Will Walk The Earth
A Hole Inside - Steps we have to follow
A Hole Inside - The Face Of Ignorance
Adora Eye - The devil and my black sunday bird
Affecti Veternus - The Might of the Meat
Alias Crippe - Förlorade själars tåg
Anachronaeon - As the last human spot in me dies
Andrea Caccese - Icarus Falling/Set The World On Fire
Andreas Borg - Swine before pearls
Andreas Borg - The Atonement of Abbadon
Andreas Borg - The murder outtakes
Animasola - Doors/Hint of a spark
Anti Control Action Band - The take action plot
Astray - Don't put the ring on your finger
Babels herrar - Blod, guld och vingar
Bangalore (Gbg) - Lika lätt som att vissla en melodi (lika lätt blåser livet förbi)
Bards of Thore - Tunes from Thore
Barn Swallow - Vinland Fields EP
Basically The Same - Are you standing behind me?
Basically The Same - Clear blue guardian sky
Black Sheep Parade - A Legacy of lesser men
Blästerorkester - The Evil Grill sessions
BMC Spleen - Know your enemies
Body Horror - Shock Chew Choke EP
Bombangrepp - Skuggan av Dödens Sändebud
Bovver Brigade - Hate the world
Boyii Black Belt - For pleasure only
Boyii Black Belt/Neighbourhood Psychos - Split
Cardiac Arrest - In a vendetta kind of mood
Cardiac Arrest - Vicious intent
Cassus - Searching the wastelands
Chaos Eternal - A darker state of mind
Cheerleader - Seven nights in Soho
Children C'mon - Saturday night it is
Children Of War - Decades of mourn
Chillihounds - No fashion, just rock 'n' roll
Chimneyheart - To The Place You Come From
Colossus - The Mechanical Engineering of Living Machines
Come On Like Gangbusters - S/t
Come On Like Gangbusters - S/t
Come On Like Gangbusters - S/t
Comfort Addict - Get yourself something pretty
Comfort Addict - If We Were an Addiction
Dajmspräckers - Norrländsk lag
Dakkfoai - Through all my fences
David Josephson - Vackra förlorare
Depressive Art - Gothic country songs for the sorry ones
Depressive Art - The ghostride experience
Depressive Art - When spirits surround
Dust Bowl Jokies - Groovin’ Occult Rock ‘n’ Roll
Ellen Beach - This must be where songs go when they die
Elmer - My destructive generation
Emerald - The first day of our fall
Enchained - Days of slaughtered souls
Enjoy The View - Dreams To Remember
Erodead - The drudgery of relevant gods
Everett Parker - Alive and Dusty
Fanclub - Fans are necessary in the summer
Fish Fingers - Behöver du hjälp?
Frankfurt - The greatest pillow fight of all time ep
Gamla Testamentet - Kapitel 1, Vers 1-3
Grace.Will.Fall - Fury is for the weak
Grace.Will.Fall - Yesterday never came
Grande Roses - Say It To My Fervent Heart
Greta & The One Night Stands - A Boy Named Greta
HelinHills - The SunningeSound Session
Hello Confusion - Into the daze and around the bend
Hellsongs - Hymns in the key of 666
Henke Wermelin And The Jed Khalids - Moribund
Henrik Hell And The Alrights - The first 2-track demo
Horns of Anguish - Everlasting Apathy
Human Desolation - Project Wasteland
Håll käften, vad vill du!? - II
I Am You We Are - The Masquerade
Iago - A Buzzard In A Lark's Nest
Insane Therapy - Veil of Silence
Intohimo - Past present and never again
It Will Come - Truth is nothing but deceit
Jack Of All Trades - Demo 2005
Jackie Khan - To all of them we left behind
Je T'aime Mon Amore - Let loose, honeypie!
Jesper Fries - Broken dreams satellite boy
Joachim Dahlberg - Fantasifoster
Johan Andersson - Promo 2002-2005
Johannes Pavalder - Poetic Motion
Johnny Goes J - Flying away from madness
Jonas Tunander - You took a piece of my heart
King - You’re with King now, baby
Konstantin - Hollywoodsyndromet
Konstantin - Om jag överlever Stockholm
Kungers - Vi vill inte ha era kanonkulor
Les Anges Perdues - These sailors will keep you afloat
Lingua - La lingua della lingua
Lolita Stasi Collective - Segregation girl
Los - There is no way we can agree on this
Lou Siffer and the howling demons - The Mosher
Love Injections - 3 sheets to the wind
Mad Lee Riot - Liqour pond st.
Magnus Tengdahl - When I Romanticize
Martin Browall - Ett Steg Närmare
Mata De Leon - Gunslinger/doors and walls
Memorial Graphics - Stuck on survival
Mojo Waves - Introducing Mojo Waves
Monkey Business - Knark horor och jazz
Mother Dirt - Show Me Some Skin
My Mellow Venue - Juggernaut ep
National Meadow - Long lost landscapes
Nils Jonsson - Sorgens kammare
Ninja Dolls - Go where the action is
Ninja Dolls - Goodbye (My Darling)
No Hawaii - Bruce Lee in your brain
Old Kerry McKee - Wooden Songs
Once at the Lost & Found - A Lifeless city mile
Once at the Lost and Found - Conversation EP
One Two One Two's - Mayday on a may day
Osten af Mozzarella - Inte min kopp med te
Osten Med Resten - Satans järnvägar
Ottilia Säll - Machinery of Night
Out Of Clouds - Into your lovely summer
Outtrigger - Untestified Revolution
Panopticon - Like flowers fade
Passarounders - Oh yeah, Lorenzo, oh yeah
Path Of Denial - Confined Humanity
Perfect Substitute - Recreate our army
Peter Dahlin - False directions
Peter Dahlin - Out in the snow ep
Phony Phokes - Live at the phat phlantage
Phony Phokes - Proudly presents
Ponamero Sundown - We shall triumph
Port of Saints - Day and Night Delivery
Radio Carolyn - Per asper ad astra
Ramblin'Nicholas - I recall the campfirelight
Riff Knives - Rattle For Fame EP
Saffire - Kingdom of the Blind
Satirnine - No blessnings, no reasons
Scarecrow Nation - Birth of a New Day
Sengaija - Kanske så hårt att det inte kan kallas för musik
September Malevolence - Surviving destinies
Seven AM - We never said enough ep
Shadowlights - Pandemonium my order
Shallow Sense - Here Goes Nothing
Shallow Sense - It's a Lie That Time Can Heal
Shouting Terry - The lights have gone out EP
Sick of Sue - This Is Sick Of Sue
Silver Trigger - ...let's make it burn!
Silver Trigger - Bourbon Street
Slowmotion Club - Tiny Dots EP
SOB Pariassound - Particulary interested in the advanced matematics
Solity - Live to serve, Serve to die
Someone Killed Waldo - 10:27 pm
Sound Scenario - Follow the Red Line
Sound Scenario - The Break Up / Grow Up
Spiral Stairs - Nice people like us
Starship Monolit - Year Zero pt 1-5
Sterile Hermaphrodite - Big Fat Pussy Club
Stone Carpet - The Sound of a Thousand
Stoneflowers - Black strain, cold rain
Stoneflowers - Peace Love & Stoneflowers
Stones Cry Out - Ghost town ep
Stranger Things - Where You Go EP
Sugarfee - I wasn't enough for the Conversation
Sugarfee - It's in you head now
Sun of Eyes - Serpent Demon Evil Fuck
Supersonic Speedfreaks - This Is Year X
Supragod - You can't bomb this
Susanna Risberg Pop Band - S/t
Swindle-A-Go-Go - The glamurder traxx
Swindle-A-Go-Go - The re-hab-e-lula stories
Talking To Teapots - Are you talking to teapots?
Ten Feet High - No approval needed EP
The Animation - The grass is always greener on the other side
The Bonedivers - Hellbilly City
The Bulls Eye Dirt - Living to lose
The Carnation - Around the sun
The Deafening Silence - A pale spark
The Deliverance - Align in silence
The Drawbacks - At least a spark
The Dräperz - Välkommen till Råby
The Elephants - Hippos are dangerous
The Flaming Moes - Moving to Mexico
The Flaming Moes - We'll never forget where our hearts lie - love, the flaming moes
The Goddamned - General Bad Luck
The Good Honey Society - Finally something burned out right
The Gordon Project - Better life
The Great Decay - Apocalypse Now (CDs)
The Jana Rakalovas - Harder, taster the jana rakalovas
The Last Hours - Alone together
The Magistrators - You Want Bobby Peru
The Magnificent Seven - Welcome To The Broken-Hearted Show
The Missing Link - Sometimes we need tragedies
The Missing Link - Twist & Shout! / Would You Kill Us For Money?
The Ninja Crusade - Johnny bravinskij-skod in loving memory
The Pica Pica Orchestra - Live
The Recon - Crossing Obstacles
The Revelling Blind - Demo 2005
The Revelling Blind - Demo 2006
The Revelling Blind - The Promo
The Scarecrows - Sleaze & dirt
The Septic Tanks - Seeds from the sewers
The Shy Lads - The basement recordings
The Sonic Barrels - Suburban heroes
The Stuckups - Fucking promo 2003
The Winston Solution - Good things will come to those who can't wait
Those Pyjamas - Lift me up, pick me up
Tifuos - Heartbreak and other things
Tikkle Me - Butterflies in my tummy
Tower of Stone - Painting Tomorrow
Tvärnitad - Krossa tänderna mot kaklet
VC-PS - Dressed all in scars n’ leather
Vegas V.I.P - Carnival of lost souls
Versus Me - Songs of built and destruction
Vienna Heat - A wall around your head
Vienna Heat - Baby, when we danced
Vietcong Pornsürfers - Cunts Don't Play Guitar
Vietcong Pornsürfers - Restless, Young, Hungry and Free
Watchworks - Knocking Men Off The Walls Of China
Welkin And The Jangler - Gotthard sessions
What Tomorrow Brings - This You Owe Me
Wilhelm Lindh - No matter what they say
X point enemy - Ballet on the brinks
Zitter - The vulture punk n'roll machine
Shit the cow - volume/cow
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Shit the cow - volume/cow
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